
A lion wouldn't cheat on his wife, bit a tiger wood

Today was filled with the confusion of children over black history month. Right from the start, there was a fifth grader researching Colin Powell on the computers in the media center. She was very confused because in some pictures she said he looked black and in others he looked white. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to do her report on him because of this. She then pulled up a Google search for Colin Powell and one of the hits had a headline that read, "Is Colin Powell Gay?" She just sat there with a puzzled look and I had to explain to her that not everything you find on the internet is real.

In the afternoon, another student was in the media center with a teacher telling them to select a significant black person to write their report on. They had chosen Tiger Woods who, until a few months ago, would have made an excellent choice. The teacher explained that Tiger Woods had made some poor moral choices and that maybe another person would make for a better report. The student agreed and selected another book.

He picked the biography of OJ Simpson.

I died laughing.

Well look at me go. I've made ten whole posts. While this is not considered an amazing accomplishment to most, the fact that I've stuck with this blog for ten posts is impressive by my standards of being easily distracted by other forms of entertainment.

If I get to a bigger milestone, I'll get my self a cake. I'll eat it too. Because that saying is full of nonsense. If I have my cake I will eat it too.
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